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nuEra > Recipes > Cannabis-Infused Olive Oil Recipe: Elevate Your Culinary Creations

Cannabis-Infused Olive Oil Recipe: Elevate Your Culinary Creations

by | Mar 17, 2024

A bottle of olive oil that has been infused with cannabis surrounded by cannabis flower

Enhance Your Dinner Party with a Touch of Cannabis Magic

Hosting a dinner party is a delightful experience, blending the joy of gathering friends and loved ones with the excitement of culinary exploration. For those of us who relish in the fusion of social bonding and gastronomic adventures, the inclusion of cannabis can add an extra layer of enchantment.

If you’re like me, you appreciate the vibrant energy and warm vibes that cannabis brings to the table. Today, I’m excited to share my favorite method for hosting a cannabis-infused dinner party that promises minimal effort and maximal enjoyment for your guests, allowing them to choose their preferred THC levels.

Safety First, Fun Always

Remember, such gatherings are strictly for adults, and adherence to local cannabis laws is paramount. Before diving into the culinary side, ensure your guests are comfortable with cannabis-infused dishes and gauge their experience with edibles. Understanding each person’s tolerance and desired effects is key to crafting an unforgettable and enjoyable evening for all.

The Versatility of Infused Olive Oil

Our star ingredient for this delightful affair is cannabis-infused olive oil. Versatile and easy to prepare, this oil can enhance a variety of dishes, allowing guests to personalize their THC dosage. I love the quick metabolic action of this oil, particularly when most of it is served in the appetizer course, setting the stage for a lively and engaging dinner party.

The Recipe

You’ll need the following:

To prepare 1 cup of the final product, follow these steps:

  1. Preparation: If your cannabis isn’t already ground, break it up into small pieces. Avoid grinding it too finely to prevent excess plant material in your oil.
  2. Decarboxylation: Spread your cannabis in a thin layer and bake at 225F for 25 to 30 minutes. This process converts THCA into THC, enhancing the potency.
  3. Infusion: Mix your decarboxylated flower with olive oil. Gently cook in a slow cooker on low for 4 to 6 hours, stirring occasionally.
  4. Straining: Use a cheesecloth (double or triple-layered) to strain the oil. I recommend against squeezing the material; letting gravity work its magic avoids a bitter taste from excess plant material.

Dosage, Temperature, and Strain Selection

When it comes to dosage, consider the conversion rate of THCA to THC (about 88% during decarboxylation). Use the weight of your flower and its THCA percentage in this formula for dosage per teaspoon: (880 * weight in grams * THCA percentage) / 48. Adjust the formula based on your chosen strain and quantity. As for the cooking temperature, aim for 180F to 245F to extract THC without degrading it. Strain selection? Follow your heart, consult your budtender, or choose based on your budget and preferences.

Serving Suggestions

For the party, I like to offer a range of THC-infused and non-infused dips, ensuring options for all guests. Divide store-bought dips, infusing one portion and leaving the other as is. Communicate dosages clearly using a color-coding system or index cards. It’s essential to offer non-infused options, respecting guests’ preferences and comfort levels. Additionally, keep some infused oil accessible for guests who wish to add a personal touch to their dishes.

I trust this straightforward plan will help you curate a tasteful and memorable cannabis-infused dinner party. Enjoy the blend of flavors, laughter, and the unique touch that cannabis brings to your gathering!